Monday, 15 August 2011

Arrival Of Ramadan


Without doubt, we can say that when we think of Ramadan the first thing which came into our mind is fasting. Even some of you think  avoiding food as prescribed as a sad thing. But let me remember you one thing, if you became sad with the arrival of Holy month, it is because you are unaware of the blessings of that month. This is an opportunity for every believer to repent to his lord for all the sins that he have made intentionally or non-intentionally. Do you ever think that why tears are not coming from our eyes when we pray to lord and admit the sins you committed? The probable answer will be no. Yes we are all alike!!! We do not have time to make dua after the salath. We may have some tv programs in schedule waiting for us. So what we do? We jump after the salath and run. REMEMBER!!!, you are running away from your lord. Even though we may not have any reason to skip dua, we are not that bad to create one. Aren't we? This is a question for me and you, and each and every muslim. So the rest is with you.
Now, let me ask you another question. You may be amazed and ask me "what? You are here to ask us questions and questions only??" . But unfortunately i have no other way my dear Sister/Brother. In fact, it is questions that lead us to answers. There may not have answers for every questions. But definitely every answer have a question. Oh!! i am out of the track, here goes the question: How you spend the time while you fast? Do you want me to tell the possible answers?? No No No. You know that. And it is not like that we commanded on. Some are sleeping all the month. Fellow muslim, there are some hadees saying that it is better for you to take a nap, because he will be protected from the sins and during the time he rests Allah will feed them. It is a favour from the lord. But do you think your lord will like you wasting the opportunity provided by him? Definitely not. We have to take benefit of this month the maximum. Offer your prayers, Recite your Glorious Quran, Give charity. Now you ask "Hey, why you saying all this, i know more than this..". Yes you know, but do you copy? Here comes the importance of beneficial knowledge. Use that knowledge to get benefit. What is the logic when you say "Hey, I am a Muslim", and you have never gone through your Holy Quran completely atleast once. That's Idiotic na? The rest is again with you...
Again, you know 'Laylathul Qadr' is in Ramadan. And you know better than me the importance of this night. It is given spiritual value and blessings that of more than a thousand months. Yeah, you know that. You also know that this is not given to any other ummah before us. Good,Thats cool... Now again my question "do you ask forgiveness often"? Im not waiting for the answer, if not you should. When someone asked Prophet that how i can seek forgiveness and the answer was say "Asthagfirullah..". And remember, it is not the only way we can ask forgiveness. Your words are not unfamiliar to your lord. You can ask him the way you like. Only he who knows what is hidden inside the core of your heart. What i was saying about is, the best and the very precious occasion to seek forgiveness to your lord is the 'Laylathul Qadr'.
I don't want to make your eyes stress even more.The questions i asked to you is the questions that i asked myself. If these questions inspired you, i am satisfied. All I said are the things you know. And i am sure that you know more than me. What I've done is a remembrance of the status of your knowledge. The thing I want to convey to you is simple. Don't waste the blessings of Ramadan. This is just as simple. When sins compel you, just whisper "I AM A SOLDIER OF ALLAH". I don't want to be get defeated. I'll fight until my last to protect my Imaan and to reserve my home in the heaven as my lord offered me....And You're Done!!!
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